Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Week 6 Differentiating the Process

What does it mean to differentiate the process (content, strategies for instruction) in the classroom?

Differentiating the process deals with how the students learn.  In Math differentiating the process can be done by tiering/leveling questions, grouping students by levels, small group instruction, using manipulatives, students doing independent work, or allowing more time.

Tiering/leveling questions may look like:
·      Why is estimating an answer important when you are solving math problems?
·      Estimate the answer to 503 x 299.  What strategy did you use to estimate?
·      Estimate means to find a number that is close to the exact amount.  Why is estimating an important thing to do when solving mathematical problems?
·      Why is estimating an answer important when solving?  Give an example of this?

The questions can be posed in the following ways:
·      In what ways did…..
·      How might you have done this differently…
·      What if…
·      How does this affect…
·      Explain several reasons why…
·      What problems does this create…
·      Describe the ways…
·      What is the best….
·      What is the worst…
·      What are some possible explanations for…
·      What is the likelihood…
·      Predict the outcome…
·      Form a hypothesis…
·      What are ways to classify…
·      Support your reason…
·      Make a plan for…
·      Propose a solution…
·      What is an alternative to…

When differentiating the process everyone in the classroom is working on the same, but differentiated, problem. The teacher may then use either whole group of flexible small groups instruction time to encourage a student-led discussion about solution strategies.

There are lots of ways to differentiate and the key is to be flexible and based on student readiness, interest, and learning profiles, teachers can adjust content, process, and product.  The goal is to choose activities in which the student engages in order to make sense of or master the content.  Many of the tools we have learned about in class can be used to creatively implement different activities.

My diigo link for this assn can be found at:

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